First Moon Landing Facts

Here are some interesting facts about first moon landing events

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  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were accompanied by Michael Collins who didn't step out but played a vital part during the landing.
  • A Soviet probe crashed into the surface of the moon while Buzz and Neil were still on it. The two crafts were just 740 miles apart.
  • Armstrong and Aldrin left Yuri Gagarin's cosmonaut medal on the moon as a tribute to him.
  • The crew almost died due to a faulty switch, which prevented them from blasting off into lunar orbit. A pen jammed into the broken switch saved them.
  • Lunar dust smells like gunpowder was an observation made by the crew but moon dust and gunpowder had no similar components. What could be the possibility then?
  • The Apollo 11 Eagle landed with only 23 seconds of fuel left. What a difficult situation it would be? Any delay in the landing could have lead to serious catastrophe to either he spaceship or the people and the areas surrounded by its landing area.
